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Date Change Tags
2019-05-15 The 80-meter wind forecast line charts (under Features ---> Renewables) now include several European nations like Germany, UK, Spain/Portugal, France and Italy.  See the German example here.
2019-05-10 Corporate users can now see analog matches to the CFS and European month-ahead forecasts (based on upper level patterns).  There are links to download the dates, weighted degree days, or the U.S./N.H. surface anomaly maps.  Check it out here. (Link is under the Long Range menu) CFS/Euro Monthlies, Analogs
2019-04-26 Wind power production clusters for US wind regions and Europe are now available here, and also through the navigation menu under Features > Renewables > Wind Production Clustering.  wind, corporate
2019-04-25 Population weighted degree days for Europe and Asia are now available on the daily degree day forecast page. See today's 00z population weighted degree days for Europe here. weighted degree days, corporate
2019-04-17 10 and 30-year anomalies and 12 and 24-hour changes now available on the national degree day forecast charts (click the tabs).  Latest example here. weighted degree days
2019-04-02 Can check where the model is showing snow and not snow for potential surface temperature feedback problems.  Here is European ensemble example.
2019-04-02 2-meter, 850, and 500-mb 24-hour change panels added to global models.  New example for European ensemble linked here.
2019-03-25 You can now animate your poly-panels.  Also, single image animations can now include sketches and overlays. GIF animations
2019-03-21 A new way to compare the model evolution of WDD EIA week forecasts can be found under the WDD ---> EIA option by choosing compare cycles.  Here is the European ensemble example. EIA, wdd
2019-03-08 Found under Features ---> Telecons and Forcing, the Stratospheric Temperatures section now includes 50mb forecasts from the CFS model.  You can even click on individual members and compare multiple cycles. Stratospheric forecasts
2019-02-27 New page shows histograms of ensemble weighted degree day forecasts found under Features --> WDD --> Ensemble WDD Histograms or by clicking here. WDDs, histograms
2019-02-27 Now, you can organize the order of your built poly-panels more easily, but make sure to hit save button at bottom after moving them.
2019-02-26 New page showing statistical range of ensemble weighted degree day forecasts available under Features --->WDD and linked here ensemble, wdd, Statistics
2019-01-24 You can now add telecon and MJO charts that live update to the custom poly-panel (multiple panel) pages.  Look for the "Charts" option when picking variables. poly-panel, charts, telcons, MJO
2019-01-23 Overlay options available for short to medium range models (Ag belts, cities, boundaries, renewables) now available for long-lead guidance too.
2019-01-17 New 24-hour change charts added for select views.  See example here. Hovmoller
2019-01-17 CFS weeklies now update four times a day with means of the most recent four modeling cycles and they now feature weekly snow depth forecasts CFS
2019-01-10 Additional accumulation contour (0.5" to 1.0") being added for upcoming cycles to snow accumulation forecast maps.
2019-01-03 We now provide weekly HDD estimates for EIA periods from the CFS and Euro Weeklies.  Subscribed Euro weeklies customers will see that data on the same link.  Found under Features ---> WDD and linked here too. Due to model resolution, climatology issues, and reduced skill at the surface (never warm or cold enough usually), these calculations are made based on upper level pattern matches (the top ten 500 mb matching dates).
2018-12-21 Hitting the Sketch button on the map pages now offers tropical symbols....and we added emoji! Sketch
